
Be the part of the story​

Join our Creative Council to meet the creators, receive early invitations to special events, share input on characters, and more. Join other Aventurine super fans and contribute to the journey.

The Creative Council

Calling all creatives! Join our exclusive Creative Council, where your creative input can shape the future of Aventurine. This is your chance to be part of a vibrant community of fellow fans, where your ideas will be welcomed and celebrated. Imagine contributing to the story-building process and making your mark on this incredible world. Plus, you’ll always be at the forefront of exciting news and events. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to bring your creativity to life and be a part of something truly special. Join us today and let your ideas soar!

Sign up now and receive your first token. Once the Aventurine Roblox Game is launched, the true power of your token will be revealed.

What’s your Lineage?

Now that you’re part of the team, let’s figure out your Aventurine Lineage. This is where you help us shape the story, and how you’ll discover where your true power lies. Are you a lover of dirt, plants and seeds? A music fanatic? Do you love horses more than people? Let’s see where you land, in the land of Aventurine.

Sign up now and receive your first token. Once the Aventurine Roblox Game is launched, the true power of your token will be revealed.

coming soon

Parent Request Form

We need a parent or guardian to help setup your account. Enter their email address below and we’ll send them instructions.

Request Sent!

We sent an email to your parent/guardian to ask permission for you to create an account on this website. Ask them to check it out!

Have your parent check their email! 

Your parent/guardian has been sent an email to request consent for you to have an account on this website. Once approved, they can enter your email address and you will receive an email with instructions for completing your registration. Thanks.

Welcome! Please confirm your age category before proceeding!

We’ll need to get your parent/guardian’s permission to setup an account for you please click the button above to proceed.

By proceeding, you affirm your agreement to the terms of use and confirm that you are at least 13 years of age or have supplied your parent/guardian’s email address and have secured their permission to use the platform.