
Made by Family

“The magical world of Aventurine has been 17 years in the making. Every member of my musical and creative family has had a hand in it over those years. It has become an act of deep love, courage and respect for creativity and nature – my favorite themes.”

Jan Bozarth-Author

About Our Creative Family

Jan Bozarth Author/Creator
Dustin Bozarth
Tech Lead, Concerts in Metaverse
Evan Bozarth
Art Director, Concerts in Metaverse
Bella Madden Illustrator Digital Fashion Design
Shane Madden Music Director Composer

We started the studio to release our brand in all the digital platforms available today that were not available when the first Fairy Godmother Academy books came out in 2009-12. Those platforms include Roblox, TikTok, Web3, and AI.

See how we are leading the way in storytelling across forms!

Parent Request Form

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We’ll need to get your parent/guardian’s permission to setup an account for you please click the button above to proceed.

By proceeding, you affirm your agreement to the terms of use and confirm that you are at least 13 years of age or have supplied your parent/guardian’s email address and have secured their permission to use the platform.